Seagull Stopper Keeps Birds Off All Boat Lift Canopies!
#1 for Boat Lift Canopies
SEAGULL STOPPER is a set of staff assemblies that attach magnetically to your boat lift canopy. Braided nylon twine is strung between the staffs to keep the seagulls off. Works on all canopies.

Why Seagull Stopper Works
While seagulls can land almost anywhere they choose, they feel safest when they can move forward to take off and fly away. The braided nylon twine suspended above and around your canopy by the staffs of SEAGULL STOPPER is a hindrance to the bird's flight. If seagulls were to land they would feel threatened by the confinement provided by SEAGULL STOPPER. Consequently, birds will avoid a canopy with SEAGULL STOPPER installed on it.

Easy Universal Installation
Seagull Stopper Attaches Magnetically
Simply place the support plate on top of your canopy frame but below your canvas and place the magnet-and-staff assembly above your canvas directly over the plate. Magnetic force clamps the staff assembly to your canopy. Finish the installation by slipping the braided nylon twine/fishing line through the loops on the staffs. It is that easy! No need for specific hoist brand hardware or tools once the staff is attached to the magnet.

Q. Where can I buy replacement string/line?
A. The string is #18 Braided Nylon Mason's Twine. It is available at most hardware stores and home centers. We prefer using 20lb. test fishing line available in any fishing department.
Q. When I install Seagull Stopper how do I reach the corners of my canopy that are not next to my dock?
A. You will need to use a ladder. An 8 ft. stepladder is usually sufficient. If you use a extension ladder be sure to wrap a towel around the rails where it will contact your canopy fabric so it does not cause damage.
Q. How long does it take to install Seagull Stopper?
A. It will probably take and hour the first time you install Seagull Stopper. Experienced installers take less than 1/2 hour. There are a few "tricks-of-the-trade" that make installation faster. When you install the first staff assembly, attach the string and take the string along with the another staff assembly to the next corner. Repeat the process until all staffs and one level of the string are installed. Another pointer: when you wish to throw the spool of string from one side of the canopy to the other such as when you are creating the diagonal cross, free up just enough string from the spool to reach the other side then tie off the string on the spool so it does not unravel when you toss it across your canopy. A clove hitch knot on the spool works great. This is the same knot most boaters use to tie a boat to a dock post. If you are frustrated by the time it takes to install Seagull Stopper, remember you only install it once a year and you will not be washing your canopy throughout the summer.
Q. How do I contact Seagull Stopper?
Seagull Stopper is located at:
5411 W. Empire Hwy., P.O. Box 344, Empire, MI 49630
Email: seagullstopper@gmail.com

Q. My canopy is almost 24 ft. long. Should I buy a Standard 4 System or a Large 6 System?
A. While a Standard 4 System can be installed on this size canopy and will keep seagulls off, it is not ideal. Because of the long span from corner to corner, the string will have a tendency to sag a bit. See the photograph above titled "Yes, Seagull Stopper Really Works!" Also, because of the large open triangles of space on larger canopies, seagulls will make more “test” landings before they finally leave your canopy alone. The Large 6 System provides greater coverage and leaves smaller triangles of open canopy. It also has shorter spans of string so the string stays straight and parallel. See the photograph above the "Select the Seagull Stopper System for your canopy." The Large 6 System shown in that picture is on a 22 ft. canopy. Test landings are inevitable since seagulls were once at home on your canopy. They usually end after a week or so.
Q. Will Seagull Stopper work on my aluminum boat lift?
Yes the Seagull Stopper staffs have a magnet attached to them and they are placed on top of your canopy. I also supply you with a steel plate that you place below the canvas (fabric) of your canopy. The magnet is attracted to this plate (not the structural aluminum that your lift is constructed with. You place the plates (and the magnets) where they will rest on your aluminum frame. Feel free to call me if you have further questions. Jeff Gardner - 231.326.5666
Q. My worry is that these will rub through the canopy; how is this prevented?
A. The magnet and staff are clamped to the fabric with the plate below the fabric. Together they all move slightly with the wind but there is no friction because they do not move separately from each other. In the sixteen years that Seagull Stopper has been in use there has never been a complaint related to wear of the canopy fabric. At the end of the season you will see and impression in the fabric but no wear.